Dec 21, 2013

Stories Update

Twists and Knots (Tie Me Down Sequel) is almost done, the prologue and first chapter will be included in the Christmas Wishes Toys for Tots Compilation. You still have time to get this compilation, last day to donate to Toy for Tots is December 24th, so please go and help this amazing cause.

Once I get the green light from the compilation, I will re-post Tie Me Down on that same weekend, and then I'll post one chapter a day of the sequel. I didn't get to finish up all the chapters for the compilation, there are a few scenes that are giving me a headache (damn you, Domlisle) and the last thing I wanted was for you guys to read something rushed and not how it was meant to be, so i decided to just sent the beginning and let you all hang until later *cue evil laugh*

Also, in case you are wondering, I'll be finishing up To Thine Own Self Be True. The last chapters are almost done and I need to send them to my beta, but with the holidays approaching, I don't think I will be able to post this month, so January will be the month to finish up that story (Yes, yes... I know, I can hear the the FINALLY! from here)

To The Perfect Girl readers (if there are still any out there), the first five chapters are done, but I want at least ten in my bank before I start posting. The chapters have change in length, but that means you will probably get two updates a week, which is why I'm trying to stock up on them so I won't keep you waiting. I'll post something here when I upload the first chapter.

Thanks to everyone that have sent me an email asking for my stories and congratulating me on the Dior Rob Contest, that one-shot will remain a one-shot for a whiiiiiiiiiiile. I have plans for it, but I owe my readers to finish the stories I have on hiatus first.

That's all from me for now. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday and I wish you a very Happy New Year.

Till next year,

Nov 27, 2013

@DiorRobContest Results Are In...

...and I'm in SHOCK!

I never expected this, honestly! No one knew I had entered the contest, in fact, only my beta was aware I had an entry there. I promoted only the contest and even voted for a couple of favorites I read. I rarely enter contests, mainly because I just don't have the time, but this plot bunny wouldn't leave me alone and I HAD to write it.

As of yet, I have no intentions of expanding it, but maybe I will write another chapter to wrap things up as a thank you to everyone that voted.

I wanna thank Maugirl60 for betaing this for me, to all the girls @DiorRobContest for their awesome job at hosting this contest, and to all the readers that voted for this entry.

You can read my entry on the following sites:

Till next time,

Nov 11, 2013

Update New Story

I'm still here and alive, just busy. This semester has been harder than I thought, not to mention that I had this bright idea to sign up for all this contests and compilations! *facepalm* That was my own doing, but alas... I will get through this.

Anyways, I had written this drabble fic for my mom, and I wanted to start posting before her birthday on November 23rd, but seems like it's not gonna happen. It will have to be on January, instead. The next couple of months are gonna be hectic for me, and I need time to make the story better than it is.

In the mean time, here is a teaser banner (the real banner isn't finished yet) and a little something more.

Title: Prestige

Category: Romance/Suspense/Drabble/All-Human

Rated: M for adult language and lemons ;)

Summary: When Bella Swan gets in trouble with a man that refused to understand the word No, a mysterious green eyed man with a unique talent saves her. Who knew that a trip to Vegas could help you find your destiny? But who is he? And what is he hiding?

This plot was inspired by my mom's obsession with Dynamo and our mutual love over the movies: The Prestige, The Illusionist and Now You See Me. You will see a lot of elements of the movies mentioned, since they helped inspired this story, so please forgive my unoriginality. This was written for fun and as a gift to the woman that gave me life and was the rock that helped me get through two years of cancer treatments. So please respect that and I hope you enjoy the story.

That's all for now, till next time.

Oct 9, 2013

Banner Requests Notice

I don't like drama, God knows I try to stay away from it, but sometimes you can't avoid it.

I make banners because I enjoy doing them. Authors sometimes have a visual for their stories and I love creating that visual for them. Sometimes, readers ask me to make banners for an author, like Sunflower did when she requested a banner for one of Counselor's stories. I worked with her in a visual that would work for the fic and we created a nice cover for the story.

But something I don't appreciate is having me for a fool. When you fill out that banner request form, you better be honest with the information you provide. Pretending to be an author, filling out the form with a fake email and asking me to PM the REAL author through is completely off the question.

How dare you being so dishonest? Don't you realize the difficult situation you put me and the author in?

I made that banner thinking the ideas put on the request form were coming from the author. Imagine my surprise when the author tells me she has never requested a banner and that basically she didn't want it.

I wasted my time making a banner that was not requested nor wanted by the author. Whoever did this, you better apologize to me and the author. How dare you doing this to me? Do you have any idea the work it takes to make a banner? My guess is that you don't or you wouldn't have dared to make a mockery of what I do like this.

If you are reading this and aren't sure it's about you, the cover banner I'm talking about was for Clair de Lune by Amberdeengirl.

Because of this, consider me ON HIATUS. I won't be taking any more requests at the moment, except for stories for fandom causes and the blogs I'm working with at the moment. 

That's all. Till next time,

Sep 21, 2013

TwiFic Fandom Awards

Hey, everyone!

Go check out the new fandom awards that just went live earlier today!

TFFA was created to celebrate all aspects of the TwiFic fandom. From authors to banner-makers to pimpers, every role is an important one.

The organizer is the lovely MariahajilE, along with her there will be two more gorgeous validators: MsHavisham79 and Frankielynn. This is an exciting event for me, I'll be participating as a banner maker along with the talented Beegurl13, StaceLeo and DanceWithMeTonight

The amazing Jannika has done a kickass job on the blog, so make sure you drop her a line to tell her how awesome she is!

You can check out the Categories here, and y'all better put on those thinking caps and start gathering nominees, because nominations will open on Sept 28th, 2013

I look forward to seeing who gets nominated! 

Till next time,

Sep 19, 2013

Time to Help: Fandom for Mexico

Hey Fandom, Mexico needs your help!

Tropical Storms Manuel and Ingrid made landfall in the Pacific AND Atlantic coasts of Mexico affecting 20,000 people in 13 states with rain, flooding, high winds and landslides.

Now we are asking you to help the Mexican Red Cross by donating at least US$5, authors to donate stories, banner artist and betas to help the authors.

I'm signing up as a banner artist, so if you are an author from any fandom or you're writing an original story, feel free to fill out this banner request form. You can check out my work as a banner/cover artist here.

For more information about the cause and on how to donate click here.

Please join this cause and help a country in distress, they are in serious need! Also, if you can't donate, do your part by helping us spread the word around.

Thank you in advance!

Aug 28, 2013

Twists & Knots: Tie Me Down Sequel for T4T

Hello everyone!

As many of you know, I've been promising the Tie Me Down sequel for ages, and when I saw that Christmas Wishes T4T had opened sign ups, I immediately thought:

Why not finish it where it all started? 

Tie Me Down was originally a one-shot written for this cause, and since the epilogue seemed to have taken a life of its own, I decided to look at it as a sequel.

Twists & Knots will be donated in its entirety to this cause. Those of you that donate, will read it before anyone else! I posted a teaser a while ago, you can read it here, but I'll be posting another teaser once I have more to share. Just let me tell you that Domlisle will have a lot of explaining to do, especially when his mentor, Marcus, sends an invitation to his play party and things don't go quite as planned ;)

So, go ahead, check out this amazing cause! For more info on how to donate click here.

Till next time,

Aug 25, 2013

Helping A Fandom Friend

Hello everyone!

For those of you that are on facebook have probably heard of Mary and her struggle. She's a nice fandom friend that is in a very tough spot. If you want to know about Mary's story, click here. It's for this reason a few people have joined and decided to put together a fundraiser to help her out. We don't ask much, our goal is relative small compared to other fandom fundraisers, but it could be a new beginning for Mary.

I have signed up as a banner maker, so any author that sign ups to donate a story, feel free to contact me through my facebook page.

To find out how to donate, please go to the website or click here. If you would like to contribute with something else, then please contact the administrators.

I have faith in this fandom, and I hope all of you can help us give Mary the help she needs.

Till next time,

Aug 20, 2013

Ms. Swan's Bookstore features LL&ME

Hey everyone!

This morning I found out that Ms. Swan's Bookstore featured my story, Life, Love & Madame Esme, over their awesome blog with a beautiful banner made by Beffers87 and a lovely review by Ana & Mel.


This website is awesome and have tons of amazing Edward/Bella recs there, so go check it out and let them know how great their website is!

Till next time,

Aug 19, 2013

Fandom4Animals Outtake Teaser

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you guys know that the teaser for the second part of the outtake I wrote for Life, Love & Madame Esme is now on the blog of Fandom 4 Animals.

To read the teaser click here.

There is plenty time to donate to this amazing cause, whether you are writer or just a reader, please take your time to check out the website and leave a donation. Author sign ups close on August 24th and Donations are due on August 31st.

So what are you waiting for? GO DONATE NOW!

I'll leave you guys with a tiny extra teaser for you to read here. Lets see what Frenchward is up, huh?

Aug 18, 2013

Fandom4LLS One-Shot Teaser

Hey everyone!

I have donated a steamy Edward/Riley slash one-shot to Fandom4LLS. This is a very close cause to my heart, I have lost friends to cancer, and this is a good way to honor them.

Please go and donate, with a minimum of $10 you will get an amazing compilation with stories from different fandoms written by amazingly talented authors. These written pieces will not be published anywhere else for a minimum of 3 months. But if you donate you will have a chance to read them before anyone else! All monetary donations are due August 30th. The compilations will be emailed in early September. For more info on how and where to donate, click here.

I'll leave you with the summary of my one-shot and the banner made by the talented Ellie Wolf.

Aug 16, 2013


Hey everyone!

Yes, I'm alive... Yes, I'm still writing... and for the millionth time, YES! I am re-posting The Perfect Girl soon.

But not until I'm 100% happy with it.

The reason why is taking so long is because, in simple words, I don't have the time.

I want to give the story the writing level it deserves, but that takes time, time that I unfortunately don't have much of as of lately.

Besides my time struggle, I've been up to my neck with two charity comps, and once the due dates have pass, I promise to post something! Whether is the first two chapters of TPG or Swans & Lions. We'll see...

In the mean time, those of you that donated to Fandom 4 Oklahoma must have gotten the comp by now and probably read the first part of the outtake I wrote for Life, Love & Madame Esme.

If you donated and read it, then you are gonna be happy to know that the second part of that outtake is almost finished and will be donated to Fandom for Animals.

Jul 4, 2013

LL&ME Outtake News + Teaser

Hey everyone!

So, midterm week is kicking my ass, not mention I still have one more project to finish that isn't panning out how I expected it to be. For those of you wondering, I'm in a very tough engineering program. It's a fact that from the 100 students that enter the program only 35 make it to the end, so yeah... The pressure is ON!

Is one of the reasons why I made the following decision...

After discussing it with my beta and realizing I might not make it to the deadline, I decided to split the outtake in two parts.I just got the first part back from my beta and I'm sending it to my pre-reader as soon as it's ready, so you can tell I'm cutting it close since due date is less than 3 days... YIKES!

So, with that in mind...

Jul 3, 2013

LL&ME Outtake Teaser

Hey everyone!

I've been bad with keeping updates on the blog, but I've been busy with fandom chairty comps, trying to finish my slash fic and also writing this outtake. Not to mention I'm about to start mid terms and my professors are kicking my ass right now, but oh well... C'est la vie!.

Anyways, there is a new teaser for the outtake posted on the compilation website, go check it out! Remember I'll be donating this outtake to Fandom for Oklahoma  We are so close to hitting the mark, so please make a donation today so you can receive this amazing compilation.

To read the teaser just click on the banner

That's all from me today. I'll see if I can update To Thine Own Self Be True in two weeks, after my mid terms. *crosses fingers* Wish me luck!

Till next time,

Jun 10, 2013

To Thine Own Self Be True Updated

I finally updated! We will hear from Edward this chapter, see what he has been up to the last six months. I hope this update clears up some of the questions you guys had about Edward, but more answers will come in next chapter.

You can read the update here... 

Jun 7, 2013

LL&ME Outtake for Fandom4OK

Hey everyone!

I finally finished a project that was giving me a headache and found time to write the outtake. I'm leaving you the banner and a little teaser (it's unbetaed so forgive any mistakes). Stay tuned to the blog for Fandom for Oklahoma, I will be posting a longer teaser there once I have the outtake betaed by the lovely Mauigirl60.

Here is your small teaser...

Jun 1, 2013

Fandom for Oklahoma

Hello everyone!

I'll be donating an outtake from Life, Love & Madame Esme to Fandom for Oklahoma, which was created in order to help those that on May 20, 2013 were affected by the tornadoes in Oklahoma City. You will receive this compilation with just a small donation to the rescue and recovery efforts of the American Red Cross, the Salvation Army, and the ASPCA who are saving and sheltering pets until their families can figure out where to go, what to do next. For more info on how to donate and get this compilation go to:

The outtake I will be donating is basically about  Bella's pregnancy and the arrival of the baby. It's titled NEW ADDITION and I can't wait for you all to read it.

In addition, I'll be making banners for anyone who signs up. If you are thinking of donating a one-shot, outtake, original short story, etc. don't be afraid to contact me and I'll make you a banner for your contribution. You can contact me by leaving a comment below or go to my facebook page: Dream. Create. Design.

That's all for now, I hope you guys contribute to this great cause.

Till next time,

May 23, 2013

Come Back to Me is now COMPLETE!

Hey Everyone!

My May Drabble War entry is now complete at 65 chapters plus an epilogue.

Read on

I would like to thank everyone that read, followed, reviewed and added to their favorites this little drabble of mine. I'm glad you all enjoyed the story and I hope you guys will read my other VA drabble Color My Life With Your Love, if you haven't already.

Especial thanks to bboop12 for reviewing every chapter! Girl, you rock! *BIG SQUISHY HUGS*

To my lovely Nicia, not only you introduced me to the world of Vampire Academy, but thanks to your facebook group, I found the guts to write in this fandom. Thank you for your beta skills, I would have been lost without them. *blows you a kiss*

That's it, folks. I'm marking this story complete. I'll see you guys around with more soon, have no doubt about that!


May 17, 2013

May The Words Be With Me!

Hello everyone!

So, this pesky little plot bunny was driving me crazy, but then I thought: Why not get rid of it during the Drabble Wars?

Well, excuse me, Mr. Potter, so is going off with a bunch of teenagers to the Ministry of Magic to face Death Eaters and possibly Voldemort. We'll talk when you bring Sirius back.

*clears throat* Anyways... I thought it was a brilliant idea, so I ran with it and here is the result.

Apr 26, 2013

New/Old Stories Update!

Hey everyone!

While I'm immersed on The Perfect Girl edits, I'm gonna be finishing up two stories and posting a new one.

No, I'm not crazy, just had a LOT of free time on my hands this past week, and since I'm only gonna take one subject the next semester, well... I need to keep myself busy somehow.

Apr 19, 2013

Life, Love & Madame Esme is Complete!

This story is now complete. You can read it on TWCS or download the pdf in the link below.

Just to clear things up...

Apr 16, 2013

LL&ME Chapter 52 Is UP!

Hey everyone!

Here we go, one of the chapters you have all been waiting for. It's short, sweet and just plain gleeful.

Just know that this is just the beginning for these two, and more will come from them in future chapters, but as this is a Bella/Edward story, they will remain in the background.

I promise to give them a HEA, tho!




Apr 14, 2013

LL&ME Chapter 52 Teaser

Hey everyone!

I have been debating for a while what teaser I should  post today.

Should I take it from one of the chapters my beta and pre-reader have seen? Or should I just wing it?

Well, in the end my OCD won and I will give you a teaser from a betaed and pre-read chapter.

Also, I'm giving you a bit of insight the woman pulling the strings! Yep, we have a Madame's point of view chapter coming and I can't wait to read your reactions.

Oh, before I forget... A guest reviewer asked who I see Carlisle as. Since I picked Rachel Weisz as Esme, who do you think is Carlisle? ;)

In the mean time here is the promised teaser. ENJOY!

Apr 12, 2013

LL&ME Chapter 50 is Up!

New chapter has been posted, hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it ;)

This chapter is dedicated to Preunka, who popped her Twific cherry with my story.
Thanks for reading, hon. I hope you enjoy the lemon ;)



Apr 10, 2013

LL&ME Chapter 48 Pics & Song

This chapter was very fun to write, though Frenchward whined a bit about stopping where I did, but like usual I just shoved a chocolate into his mouth and sent him over to Bella.

Works like a charm, hehehe...

Here are the pics for the next three chapter, really, and the song,

Lyrics in English can be found HERE.