Nov 3, 2012

Fighting Back Sandy

Hey everyone!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks, especially for those living in the northeast of the United States. My prayers and thoughts were with all of you during the storm and I'm glad to see most of the amazing friends I've made in the fandom are all right. I have family in Newark, and my uncle lost his house, a tree fell down right in the middle of it. He is now with family from WI, but he lost most of his stuff.

Which is why I decided to donate Tie Me Down's epilogue to help raise money for this cause.

Fandom Fights Hurricane Sandy was created to help out those affected by the Hurricane. By donating a minimum of $10 to The American Red Cross or whatever your minimum is in your country (feel free to donate more than your minimum but that is all we require) you will have access to a compilation of stories and poems by amazing authors.

Please remember that all donation sites may require a different minimum from another. It is usually in a different country. They will accept all donations as long as they are for a hurricane relief. These stories are going to be open for all different fandoms; not just Twilight. So if you want to write for Harry Potter, Hunger Games or write your own original fiction, we need you!

All stories will be due by December 20th. If you decide to donate, please remember to forward your receipt to this email:

Thanks for donating, and help spread the word!
