Jul 4, 2013

LL&ME Outtake News + Teaser

Hey everyone!

So, midterm week is kicking my ass, not mention I still have one more project to finish that isn't panning out how I expected it to be. For those of you wondering, I'm in a very tough engineering program. It's a fact that from the 100 students that enter the program only 35 make it to the end, so yeah... The pressure is ON!

Is one of the reasons why I made the following decision...

After discussing it with my beta and realizing I might not make it to the deadline, I decided to split the outtake in two parts.I just got the first part back from my beta and I'm sending it to my pre-reader as soon as it's ready, so you can tell I'm cutting it close since due date is less than 3 days... YIKES!

So, with that in mind...


The first part of the outtake will go to Fandom for Oklahoma as promised, but it will only include the pre-pregnancy part. It's pretty big, we are talking 6k words outtake. The whole thing is probably gonna be around the 12-15k mark, so I know I'm doing the right thing by splitting it.

If you would like to receive a copy of the compilation to be distributed on July 14th, please make your $10 donation and email the receipt no later than July 7th. For more information on where and how to donate click here.


The second part will go to Fandom for Animals, this new fundraiser aims to raise money for the RSPCA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) and the ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). If you are an author, beta, or banner maker, please sign up and be a voice of compassion and love for those who cannot speak for themselves.

This part will include the pregnancy and after the epilogue stuff. So, please go to the website and with a minimum amount to one of the organizations listed there and sending the receipt no later than August, 31st you will receive the compilation.

I end this post with a small teaser (un-betaed) from the part that will go to Fandom4OK. Hope you enjoy it!

Edward chuckled. “My insatiable girl…” He kissed me, his lips pressing down softly against mine, tasting my lips and sucking on them, “I do not know what has gotten into you lately, ma douce, but I love it.”
I knew he was referring to the fact that lately my libido had gone off the chart, and I had taken the opportunity of pouncing on him every chance I got. I guessed because I was finally out of the hormones and the acupuncture had reduced my stress levels significantly. I was healthy and my emotions were back to normal. I was feeling great.
I giggled. “I have no idea, either,” I kissed his nose, “but I like it too.”
We cleaned up and then Edward ran out for the apartment, he was already at least half an hour late, but he said it was worth it. He told me to dress up, that he wanted to take me out tonight and I accepted.
Later that day, I was picking out my outfit for the evening when my phone rang.
I didn’t recognize the number, but answered anyway. “Hello?”
“Isabella, it’s Dr. Cleary. How are you?”
I sat down on the bed. “I’m very good, Dr. Cleary. How are you?”
“I’m all right. I’m just calling to apologize for cancelling this morning and to let you know I sent a copy of your blood work to your email. Did you get them?”
I furrowed my eyebrows. “Oh, I haven’t checked my email since this morning, let me just open it and print them out.”
I picked my laptop from the nightstand and powered it up.
“Don’t worry, Isabella. I’ll wait.”
I waited for it to load up and quickly logged in, but paused for a bit. Dr. Cleary had never emailed me my blood work results before and her voice sounded odd over the phone.
“Should I be worried, Dr. Cleary?”
“Oh no, I think you will be happy with the results.”
“As long as I’m healthy, I’m sure I will.”
The PDF file opened and I hit print, without even reading the results— not that I would know what the numbers for my blood count meant. We kept a small printer here in the bedroom on the small corner desk; I stood up when I heard the machine starting to work and made my way towards it.
“You both seem very healthy.”
I'm an evil bitch, I know! LOL

That's all for today, I'll be posting this same note on the story later today, so everyone knows about the change of plans. Thanks for your support, till next time...