Jul 20, 2014

TPG Chapter 12 is UP!

Hey Everyone! The next chapter of The Perfect Girl has been posted!

You can read the story in any of the following sites:

Remember that Twilighted takes a bit longer to post due to the validation process.

Remember to come back here on Wednesday for a chapter teaser, and on Saturday for a picteaser. Next chapter will be up in two weeks.

That's all for now from me. Let me know what you guys thought of the chapter!

Till next time,

Jul 12, 2014

TPG Chapter 12 Picteaser

Hey everyone!

I'm way too high on painkillers to write a witty message, so I'll just cut to the chase. Here's the picteaser for next chapter, which is already on the hands of the lovely LaMomo. She's been teaching me to show and don't tell this week, but for now I'll tell you guys that while my back has declared war against my body and won the first battle, I'm refusing to go down without a fight! So, here you go. Please forgive any mistakes since the text wasn't looked over by LaMomo nor Salanna, who by the way is in Portugal having fun and drinking wiiiine! Lucky bitch.

Okay, I'll shut up now...or stop typing, in this case. Whatevs...

Till next time,

Jul 9, 2014

TPG Chapter 12 Teaser

Hey, everyone!

So, I was a little depressed yesterday. For those that aren't aware, the 2014 FIFA World Cup is in full swing and yesterday Brazil was annihilated by Germany. The final score was 7 to 1! Germany broke a couple of records during that game, and the Brazilians were sent home.

But since they are the hosts, they just left the stadium and drove home. YIKES!

Anyways, I look forward to today's game, Argentina vs. Netherlands, so I'm gonna post this before I get carried away!

As usual, forgive any mistakes, this hasn't been seen by my lovely beta or pre-reader.

Jul 7, 2014

TPG Chapter 11 is UP!

Hey Everyone! Sorry for the late update. The next chapter of The Perfect Girl has been posted!

You can read the story in any of the following sites:

Remember that Twilighted takes a bit longer to post due to validation of the chapter.

Remember to come back here on Wednesday for a chapter teaser, and on Saturday for a picteaser. Next chapter will be up in two weeks, if not sooner. I'll keep you guys posted, but if there isn't an update this Sunday, check in here next Wednesday for an additional teaser.

That's all for now from me. Let me know what you guys thought of the chapter!

Till next time,

A TPG Confession

Hey everyone!

As you might have noticed, there is no TPG chapter update yet. The reason is very simple.

Sometimes when I write, I see fractions of scenes playing in my head, but when I put them down together, they don't always make sense. That was the problem I was experiencing with Chapter 11. While the scenes were written in a comprehensible way, the sequence of them weren't. Of course, I didn't know that until my lovely beta LaMomo point that out to me, but I must admit I was unhappy with the chapter when I sent it to be validated. So, a re-write was in order!

While the chapter is ready in all intents and purposes, I'm not happy with it. and if I'm not happy with it, I don't think it'll be fair to you if I post it as is. Patience is gold, some say, and I promise yours will pay off. I'll update as soon as the chapter is ready, and in the meantime, here's an extra picteaser.

See? That scene total made sense in my head, but what came before that needed a little more tweaking. A shout out to Salanna and LaMomo for being the best, and having the patience of a saint. I know I must drive you bonkers with all my emails! LOL

Hope y'all a nice day! Till next time,