Aug 28, 2013

Twists & Knots: Tie Me Down Sequel for T4T

Hello everyone!

As many of you know, I've been promising the Tie Me Down sequel for ages, and when I saw that Christmas Wishes T4T had opened sign ups, I immediately thought:

Why not finish it where it all started? 

Tie Me Down was originally a one-shot written for this cause, and since the epilogue seemed to have taken a life of its own, I decided to look at it as a sequel.

Twists & Knots will be donated in its entirety to this cause. Those of you that donate, will read it before anyone else! I posted a teaser a while ago, you can read it here, but I'll be posting another teaser once I have more to share. Just let me tell you that Domlisle will have a lot of explaining to do, especially when his mentor, Marcus, sends an invitation to his play party and things don't go quite as planned ;)

So, go ahead, check out this amazing cause! For more info on how to donate click here.

Till next time,

Aug 25, 2013

Helping A Fandom Friend

Hello everyone!

For those of you that are on facebook have probably heard of Mary and her struggle. She's a nice fandom friend that is in a very tough spot. If you want to know about Mary's story, click here. It's for this reason a few people have joined and decided to put together a fundraiser to help her out. We don't ask much, our goal is relative small compared to other fandom fundraisers, but it could be a new beginning for Mary.

I have signed up as a banner maker, so any author that sign ups to donate a story, feel free to contact me through my facebook page.

To find out how to donate, please go to the website or click here. If you would like to contribute with something else, then please contact the administrators.

I have faith in this fandom, and I hope all of you can help us give Mary the help she needs.

Till next time,

Aug 20, 2013

Ms. Swan's Bookstore features LL&ME

Hey everyone!

This morning I found out that Ms. Swan's Bookstore featured my story, Life, Love & Madame Esme, over their awesome blog with a beautiful banner made by Beffers87 and a lovely review by Ana & Mel.


This website is awesome and have tons of amazing Edward/Bella recs there, so go check it out and let them know how great their website is!

Till next time,

Aug 19, 2013

Fandom4Animals Outtake Teaser

Hey everyone!

I just wanted to let you guys know that the teaser for the second part of the outtake I wrote for Life, Love & Madame Esme is now on the blog of Fandom 4 Animals.

To read the teaser click here.

There is plenty time to donate to this amazing cause, whether you are writer or just a reader, please take your time to check out the website and leave a donation. Author sign ups close on August 24th and Donations are due on August 31st.

So what are you waiting for? GO DONATE NOW!

I'll leave you guys with a tiny extra teaser for you to read here. Lets see what Frenchward is up, huh?

Aug 18, 2013

Fandom4LLS One-Shot Teaser

Hey everyone!

I have donated a steamy Edward/Riley slash one-shot to Fandom4LLS. This is a very close cause to my heart, I have lost friends to cancer, and this is a good way to honor them.

Please go and donate, with a minimum of $10 you will get an amazing compilation with stories from different fandoms written by amazingly talented authors. These written pieces will not be published anywhere else for a minimum of 3 months. But if you donate you will have a chance to read them before anyone else! All monetary donations are due August 30th. The compilations will be emailed in early September. For more info on how and where to donate, click here.

I'll leave you with the summary of my one-shot and the banner made by the talented Ellie Wolf.

Aug 16, 2013


Hey everyone!

Yes, I'm alive... Yes, I'm still writing... and for the millionth time, YES! I am re-posting The Perfect Girl soon.

But not until I'm 100% happy with it.

The reason why is taking so long is because, in simple words, I don't have the time.

I want to give the story the writing level it deserves, but that takes time, time that I unfortunately don't have much of as of lately.

Besides my time struggle, I've been up to my neck with two charity comps, and once the due dates have pass, I promise to post something! Whether is the first two chapters of TPG or Swans & Lions. We'll see...

In the mean time, those of you that donated to Fandom 4 Oklahoma must have gotten the comp by now and probably read the first part of the outtake I wrote for Life, Love & Madame Esme.

If you donated and read it, then you are gonna be happy to know that the second part of that outtake is almost finished and will be donated to Fandom for Animals.