Jul 4, 2013

LL&ME Outtake News + Teaser

Hey everyone!

So, midterm week is kicking my ass, not mention I still have one more project to finish that isn't panning out how I expected it to be. For those of you wondering, I'm in a very tough engineering program. It's a fact that from the 100 students that enter the program only 35 make it to the end, so yeah... The pressure is ON!

Is one of the reasons why I made the following decision...

After discussing it with my beta and realizing I might not make it to the deadline, I decided to split the outtake in two parts.I just got the first part back from my beta and I'm sending it to my pre-reader as soon as it's ready, so you can tell I'm cutting it close since due date is less than 3 days... YIKES!

So, with that in mind...

Jul 3, 2013

LL&ME Outtake Teaser

Hey everyone!

I've been bad with keeping updates on the blog, but I've been busy with fandom chairty comps, trying to finish my slash fic and also writing this outtake. Not to mention I'm about to start mid terms and my professors are kicking my ass right now, but oh well... C'est la vie!.

Anyways, there is a new teaser for the outtake posted on the compilation website, go check it out! Remember I'll be donating this outtake to Fandom for Oklahoma  We are so close to hitting the mark, so please make a donation today so you can receive this amazing compilation.

To read the teaser just click on the banner

That's all from me today. I'll see if I can update To Thine Own Self Be True in two weeks, after my mid terms. *crosses fingers* Wish me luck!

Till next time,