Dec 30, 2010

TPG Chapter 6 IS UP!

Hello Everyone!

Hope you had a great Christmas and here is my New Year's gift! Hope you enjoy it and don't forget to leave em some love!





Dec 21, 2010

Outtake: CPoV

Hi Everybody!

This is the CPOV that was written for the Fandom for Preemies fundraiser, which raised over $5000! Woohooo! I was honored to be a part of it and proud at how much was accomplished!

Those who donated got to see the outtake with pictures, I will be posting it on .pdf once I figure out how to use google docs, so stay tuned on my blog, I'll be posting the link here.

I really hope you enjoy the outtake.



On Fresh Squeezed Lemons:

PDF with pictures:


Dec 9, 2010

I Don't Join in Mob Mentality

I am bringing to your attention something I am sure some of you have heard whispers or maybe even seen and participated in. This is not something I do lightly. I don't join in mob mentality, I'm a individual thinker, and I believe things shouldn't be done without just cause or reason. I am taking a stand with our fellow fanfic groups and fellow readers and authors, and saying there has to be a line drawn and NOT crossed.

I've been accused of cyber-bulling, of flaming, of being a person who has no clue what the hell I'm talking about just because I'm not a mother. Well, I don't need to have my own kids to recognize child abuse, as I don't need to be a rape victim to see when someone is glorifying sexual abuse. I'm a a single, childless and professional woman that has her morals clear and her eyes wide open.

I am PROUD to say I belong to a group named Twilight Fanfics Addicts, I'm an active participant with their group on facebook and I always get my email whenever the fantastic ladies that run the group update their blog. This group has also decided to take stand a draw a line on the kind of stories we want to be available for us to read on and in our fandom in general.

L&S Chapter 4 is Up!

Hope you like this chapter! We finally get a little Carlisle-Edward interaction here! ;D



On Fresh Squeezed Lemons:

Music inspiration for this chapter:

Nov 22, 2010

TPG Chapter 6 Teaser

Here is a little teaser for Chapter 6, you can thank Marilu Pankeka Snape for this!
(Yes Marilu, I know how impatient you are, so this is for you!)

I haven’t heard from Edward since that day at the park, I prayed every night for his well being and for a chance to apologize to him in person, but nothing had happened so far. I had hoped that he might have at least contacted Carmen at the art shop, but she hadn’t heard anything yet.
I kept calling Carmen at least three times a day for a week, until she told me on Monday that she was going to the Modigliani Art Conference & Workshop in Brume, and to please open the shop for her in the afternoons. She had convinced Renee to let me manage the store in her absence by paying me for a full time salary instead of half time. I had refused at first, but Carmen insisted. Renee was all for it, but then her mood soured when she realized she wasn’t getting the money since Carmen was making the deposits directly to my college fund.
So here I was, suffering Renee’s anger on a Saturday morning. She had warned me that if I didn’t had the laundry finished by noon, she wouldn’t let me open the shop, and I needed to be there just in case Edward or Alice called. Though by the silence I guess that was becoming more and more unlikely to happen.

I know it's not much, but I would be giving waaaaaay too much away if I posted more of the chapter. Don't worry, you won't have to wait too long for it. I PROMISE!

Till next time.

L&S Chapter 4 Teaser

This little teaser is brought to you thanks to my beloved (and sometimes annoying) pre-reader Annie.
“You have to be kidding me! There is no chance in hell I’m gonna go in there, especially with you, Dad!”
“C’mon Junior, this is perfect! Can you imagine how pissed Rosalie is going to be when she sees what Emmett supposedly asked for a gift?”
I just shook my head and remained standing right across the street from the store my father wanted to go in. I had to admit the plan was genius, but I would not be setting one foot into that store.
“Nope, no way. You go in there and buy what you think we need. I’ll meet ya back out here when you are done.” I said while crossing my arms and setting my jaw in determination with no intentions of moving any time soon.
My father sighed in frustration. “Why are you like this, Junior? It’s not like you haven’t been into one before.”
“Excuse me?” I gasped in surprise, “and how, do pray tell dear father of mine, do you think you know that I’ve been into a store like this before?”
He raised an eyebrow. “I pay the bills, Junior. Remember?”

OH SNAP! Ted 1 - Junior 0. LOL xD
Hope you liked this little teaser!

Till next time!

Oct 27, 2010

L&S Chapter 3 is UP!

HELLO EVERYONE! Did you miss me? ;)

The new Chapter is up! Go check it out!

Oct 13, 2010

L&S Outtake Teasers


I thought that as an incentive for your collaboration I could post a small teaser and a picteaser of the outtake. Just to give you a little sneak peek inside our beloved Dr. C's head. ;D

It hasn't been beta'ed so forgive any mistakes...


Sep 28, 2010

Teaser Tuesday on The Twigasm Blog


Just a quick note.

Thank you all for your kind words, it made me feel better knowing that you respect my necessity for a time out, though I must say that this free time had inspired me to write (oh the irony...)

Also, teasers for TPG nad L&S are on The Twigasm: Teaser Tuesday just clic on the link to get there.

Hope you like them.

I'll be coming back next week, so I might have a chapter for next Wednesday, either for TPG or for L&S

That's all for now! Have a nice day!

Sep 27, 2010

L&S Outtake & Hiatus

Dear readers,

An outtake for Love & Secrets is up! It's from a different point of view. GO CHECK IT OUT!

Here are the links:



I’m also announcing that for the next two weeks I won’t be updating “Love & Secrets” or “The Perfect Girl”. I apologize for this, but it’s necessary. I know how awful it is when you get the notification of a new update only to realize that this is just an Author’s Note.


But it is unfortunately necessary.

The reason is quite simple.

Sep 22, 2010

2x1 Wednesday!

Welcome to the first 2x1 Wednesday's Special!

I had finally decided on a schedule for my stories. I'll be updating "Love & Secrets" every week and "The Perfect Girl" every two weeks.
Therefore, you'll get a double update every other Wednesday! 

So, let's start today, shall we?

Sep 13, 2010

L&S Outtake for a Good Cause!

During Prematurity Awareness Month this November, Fandom for Preemies, with your help, will raise funds to support the March of Dimes as they work to eliminate this global issue. In thanks for your support of this worthy cause, fanfiction authors across the fandom will donate one-shots, story outtakes and original works for a compilation. Those who donate a minimum of $5 to the March of Dimes during the month of November will receive this compilation in appreciation.

It is for this good cause that I will be giving an outtake for Love & Secrets.

It will be Carlisle's point of view of the day he saw Edward for the first time, and it will be 20 pages long!

That's what I'll be contributing to Fandom for Preemies! The fundraiser starts November 1st!

Love & Secrets ~ Chapter 1 is up!

To read the update, you can click on the following link:

Outfits for this chapter are found here:

Music inspiration for the chapter:

Clocks by Coldplay

Sep 8, 2010

New Story by Mina Rivera is UP!

Hello you people out there!

My girl Mina had a dream, much like SMeyer, but this one was fuck hot! Included a young Edward and Dr. Feel Good a.k.a Carlisle Cullen. When she told me about her dream and how complicated it sounded I said: "you should write that on fanfiction." AND SHE DID!

Now, I'm not taking credit for my girls talent, just the initiative to write it down and set the outline. *winks* (you can thank me later) She started writing in that beat up old letter journal that she carries around with her (much like Tyler on "Remember Me") and starting asking tons of questions my way every 5 goddamn minutes. In the end, I did a small collab work with her for the first chapter and she promised to ask me more help in the future. I hope she does, I get to read the chapters before anyone else! Even her betas: Eifltwr and LaMomo. (Go read their stories too!)

So, with Mina's permission (and a threat of a major spanking if I over share) here is the 411 on this new fic.

TPG Chapter 5 Teaser

Hello my lovelies!

I'll be updating TPG very, Very, VERY soon, and in order to help out Lady Ali and her amazing team The Twigasm, I offered a teaser for Chapter 5 to put up on the blog.

The teasers will be up every other Tuesday and will always be close to an update. So, if I posted a teaser at The Twigasm blog, that means I'll be updating pretty soon.

Again, this is not the same teaser for those who left me a review, that's for them, and this is for you.

To read the teaser go to:

Also, there are new pic teasers up! Go check them out:

That's all, hope you liked the little teaser. Have a nice day!


Sep 6, 2010

Banners & Blinkie Maker Extraordinaire!

Hello Everyone,

I believe you have noticed that we have a banner for "The Perfect Girl". FINALLY! I have been in search of a banner maker for weeks now, unfortunately the ones I had found were not able to deliver nice banners for the story. So, here comes Domwards Playgirl to the rescue!

Her real name is Annabelle, or Annie for her fiends, and I have known her most of my life. We share a lot of history together, and we were able to reconnect after 10 years thanks to our obsession with fanfiction and Twilight. She is a very dear friend to me, and the fact that she took her time to make me these banner and blinkies (just for me) is really enough reason to grant her a place of honor in the Hall of Friends of my heart.

I wanted to have a small interview with her, I didn't really prepare a sheet of questions for her, so she accepted to meet me over a cup of coffee and write this post with me.

Aug 27, 2010


I got a question from many readers this week if I'll keep doing the review for teasers thing or if I'll just post pic teasers and be done with it.

(You opened a pandora's box Jen!)

Well, the thing is, I have a full time job and also college classes. Because of money issues I couldn't go straight to college after graduation and therefor I'm a 25 year old college junior. I have a ton of workload and schoolwork to do, and because of it, I can't really say how often I can update TPG.

Aug 26, 2010

Playlist & More

Hello Everyone!

I just added a playlist to the blog. These are a few of the songs that helped me write The Perfect Girl. You can take them as a form of a soundtrack. I'll be adding songs to it as I write.

Also, I finished all the Polyvores and Pic Teasers, so go check them out! I'll post the outfits for chapter 5 when I update, which won't be in a while since my beta had a little trouble with her ancient computer... Hang in there BB! I can wait.. There is no rush! *looks at readers glares* Well... maybe just a little... *hides behind sofa*

You might wonder what are those LS links on the left, well, that's for me to know and for you to dot dot dot... *evil smirk*

Thank you for stopping by to take a look.



Aug 25, 2010

WELCOME! by Alice from TPG


Alice Brandon-Whitlock here! All the way from Brume, Volterra.

I'm so excited to be able to welcome you all to this blog! Mina has been working really hard to get this up and had collapse in her bed with exhaustion. So, I offer her my services to write a little welcoming letter.
I would like to thank you for stopping by Mina's blog. Here you can find pictures, outfits, chapter teasers, and more for all of her fics!

I hope you all love her stories as much as I do. I was so excited when I found out she was writing Prince Edward and Lady Bella's story!

(Mina in the background shouts: ALICE! NO TITTLES!)

Ups! My bad... Sorry, Mina! But I guess that gives your readers a sense of where you are taking your first twific "The Perfect Girl" to. They must know that you are firm believer of a HEA!

(Mina mumbles: annoying little pixie.. always right...)

*winks* So, if you have any inquiries or would like to ask a question to me or some else from TPG, or any other fic, feel free to do so!

Have a nice day!