Nov 22, 2010

TPG Chapter 6 Teaser

Here is a little teaser for Chapter 6, you can thank Marilu Pankeka Snape for this!
(Yes Marilu, I know how impatient you are, so this is for you!)

I haven’t heard from Edward since that day at the park, I prayed every night for his well being and for a chance to apologize to him in person, but nothing had happened so far. I had hoped that he might have at least contacted Carmen at the art shop, but she hadn’t heard anything yet.
I kept calling Carmen at least three times a day for a week, until she told me on Monday that she was going to the Modigliani Art Conference & Workshop in Brume, and to please open the shop for her in the afternoons. She had convinced Renee to let me manage the store in her absence by paying me for a full time salary instead of half time. I had refused at first, but Carmen insisted. Renee was all for it, but then her mood soured when she realized she wasn’t getting the money since Carmen was making the deposits directly to my college fund.
So here I was, suffering Renee’s anger on a Saturday morning. She had warned me that if I didn’t had the laundry finished by noon, she wouldn’t let me open the shop, and I needed to be there just in case Edward or Alice called. Though by the silence I guess that was becoming more and more unlikely to happen.

I know it's not much, but I would be giving waaaaaay too much away if I posted more of the chapter. Don't worry, you won't have to wait too long for it. I PROMISE!

Till next time.