Sep 6, 2010

Banners & Blinkie Maker Extraordinaire!

Hello Everyone,

I believe you have noticed that we have a banner for "The Perfect Girl". FINALLY! I have been in search of a banner maker for weeks now, unfortunately the ones I had found were not able to deliver nice banners for the story. So, here comes Domwards Playgirl to the rescue!

Her real name is Annabelle, or Annie for her fiends, and I have known her most of my life. We share a lot of history together, and we were able to reconnect after 10 years thanks to our obsession with fanfiction and Twilight. She is a very dear friend to me, and the fact that she took her time to make me these banner and blinkies (just for me) is really enough reason to grant her a place of honor in the Hall of Friends of my heart.

I wanted to have a small interview with her, I didn't really prepare a sheet of questions for her, so she accepted to meet me over a cup of coffee and write this post with me.

So, this is what pretty much happened...

Me: Well, hi Annie!

DomwardsPlaygirl: Hola!

Me: How are we are supposed to do this?

DP: Easy, you ask and I answer. Jeez, and you are supposed to be the writer!

Me: *narrows eyes* What I meant is, should we make this a Q&A meeting or maybe carry out a conversation?

DP: Whatever suits you best, sis.

Me: Fine... Tell us a little about yourself.

DP: *clears throat* I am a 25 year old traumatology doctor (yes, doctor not resident, I'm that awesome!) that works for a rural clinic on the outsides of the city here in Ecuador, South America. I grew up in 5 different countries and speak three different languages.

Me: One of those countries was England, where we met. Do you remember how you got started in Twilight and fanfiction?

DP: *laughs* Of course, it was your fault!

Me: *fake gasp* Mine?

DP: HELL YEAH! I read the twilight books because of your suggestion. I knew you did it just because you wanted me to go to the NY premiere and get an autograph from SMeyer...


DP: Hehehe... Yes, I did. I loved the books from the get go. I'm a sucker for this kind of stories, although Breaking Dawn left much to be desired...

Me: Don't start on BD, that's a whole new post, or five!

DP: IKR? Well, anyway... after the Twilight books I got the first "Black Dagger Brotherhood" book right before I moved here to Ecuador, and since then I haven't got anything interesting to read. I borrowed you the book and you ate it up in a day!

Me: I'm a fast reader!

DP: Yes, you are. After that I was really focused on my job, and because I have never really been into TV or movies, I rely on books for entertainment. It was about 5 months ago that you suggested fanfiction to me.

Me: And you gave the "are you f*cking serious?" look... *pouts*

DP: Well, how was I supposed to know that some of the stories were amazing!

Me: What was the first fic you read?

DP: TaraSueMe's trilogy... Which was the inspiration for my own alias. Then you send me the link for MoTU and the rest is history!

Me: What are you reading right now?

DP: The University of Edward Masen by Sebastian Robichaud, There Once was a King by Brits23, Parachute by KitsuShel, Your Voice was All I Heard by Twimamma and MoTU II by Snowqueens Icedragon. I'm also reading a bunch of complete fics from your favorites list.

Me: And now, the reason why I'm doing this. The banners and blinkies.

DP: Ok, well... I really have absolute no training or whatsoever in graphic design, photoshop or illustrator. I did the banners because I was tired of seeing you get your hopes up and getting all excited about getting a banner, and then getting disappointed when you saw those crappy banners that those "experts" sent your way. So, I took care of the problem.

Me: And what a fantastic work you did!

DP: It wasn't easy, it took me an entire afternoon to make the banner, after that it was easy to modify it a little bit. I wish I knew how to add color to it, but I guess it's fine the way they turn up.

Me: MORE THAN FINE! And the blinkies?

DP: That was for fun... I saw a blinkie for one of the stories, don't remember which one, and I thought: "Hey, I can do that!" I found a website where they did the animation and all I had to do were the pics that would go there. Easy as pie!

*Our interview is interrupted by Annie's cell phone*

DP: You got 10 mins to finish this thing. I have to go back to the clinic.

Me: Well, I guess this is pretty much it. Anything you would like to add?

DP: I wish you had more followers...

Me: *sigh* Me too...

DP: *smacks Mina in the back of her head* And update TPG for God's Sake!!!

Me: *rubbing her head* I will, I already sent chapter 5 to my beta. Is getting beautify as we speak.

DP: *glares* You better!

Me: *whimpers*

DP: there there... I had fun, sis.

Me: Yeah, me too. We should totally do this more often.

DP: I'm already helping you write "Love & Secret"!

Me: *GASP* You are not supposed to talk about it!

DP: My bad... *rolls eyes* thanks for the breakfast!

Me: It was my pleasure!

After that Annie left to save the world and I went back to my laptop to read fanfiction!

WHAT?! I'm on vacation! SUE ME!



That's all folks, till the next time! XOXO
