I know I haven't updated this blog in like a gazillion years, so I decided that instead of posting a teaser for one of my stories, which they are still in outlines, because of a laptop malfunctioning, I will be pimping out two stories that make me want more, More and MORE! and have me counting the days, hours, minutes and secs till the next update!
So ladies and possible gents and whoever else is reading this blog (which I don't think are many) let me introduce you to my two new obsessions....
I was at the TFFA Facebook Group one afternoon, a few weeks ago, when I saw a comment from my lovely beta LaMomo about waiting for it to be Friday at noon, my first thought was: Is she waiting to go for lunch? Little did I know that it was exactly that what she was waiting, but not in the physical sense.
"Friday's at Noon" is a Twilight Fanfcition by the amazing troublefollows1017.
It tells the story about Bella, a waitress under the iron hand of the manager Rosalie at the Restaurant Eclipse where our beloved Edward, a CEO computer genius with a dark past, lunches every Friday at noon without delay. He is rich, charming, handsome and a complete asshole to Bella during that first encounter.
"I swear Alec, if I had a fucking nickel for every time someone has told me they're sorry today," the younger man ranted. I couldn't help but think he should be a little bit more careful about talking to his boss like that.
"I know, Edward. I know."
"It's ridiculous," he huffed, running his hand through that mess of hair on his head. He turned his head just enough to catch sight of me. "What?"
Oh shit. He was talking to me.
"Where's Jessica? We've been here for five minutes, and no Jessica."I stepped further into the room and tried to smile even though I was so nervous, I could feel the sweat beads forming on my forehead.
"Sorry, Jessica is out today. My name is Isabella, I'll be your server this afternoon." I hated using my full name, but Rosalie insisted that Isabella sounded more formal and should be the name I used with customers.
"See!" The young man pounded his fist on the table, making the silverware and glasses rattle. "What did I tell you?Sorry. It's all I've heard today!" he shouted.
This guy might've been hot, but maybe hot-headed was a more accurate description.
When I first started reading it, I wanted to literally strangle Edward! But as I kept reading, it only got better and better, especially with the frikin' nickles comment! Poor Bella tries really hard to be a good waitress, but alas, this is a cannon Bella and therefore her clumsiness makes an appearance and costs her more than her tip.
"Isabella?" a man I didn't recognize asked as I approached.
"Yes," I answered cautiously.
"Mr. Masen asked that I give this to you," he said with a smile much like Alec the Assistant gave me when he left. They both looked like they felt sorry for me. I should feel sorry for them. They had to work for Mr. Masen every day. I only had to do it for one hour, and that was more than enough. He handed me an envelope with my name written in a lovely script on the front.
Curious as to what the almighty Mr. Masen would possibly send me a couple hours after our disastrous encounter, I slipped my finger in the corner and ripped the envelope open. Maybe he felt guilty for not tipping me. That would be nice. I pulled out the slip of paper and gasped at what I saw.
"What is it?" Angela, one of the hostesses, asked.
"A one hour dry cleaning bill for fifty-seven dollars!"
"Why is someone giving you a dry cleaning bill?" Angela looked as confused as I felt.
He withheld a humongous tip and now was giving me the bill to clean his pants? The man had more money than I will ever see in my lifetime, and he was asking me to reimburse him?
Want to kill Edward yet? I certainly did, but here is the twist, I have read many Bella's and the general consensus would be that Bella pays the bills and tries to be better at her job. BORING! I know! And thank the almighty God of twifics, Troublefollows1017 does not follows the pre-maid mold and gives Bella one good solid pair of cojones and is pay back time.
That's when the nickles and pennies come to the story. Confused? I was at first too, even more when I read people's comments on Facebook about Pennyward and Bella!
There is more to Edward than meets the eye and Bella has to literally fight off his control issues and a very creepy psycho stalker... Hook yet? I knew it. GO READ IT! You won't regret it!
(¨*•.(¨*•. MRM .•*¨) .•*¨)
The second fic I would like to rec this evening is not for the faint hearted! I wasn't sure at first if I should read it, but I have a little obsession with Darkwards and/or Meanwards than has paid off quite well...
*Mina experiences a flashback of certain dark fics and sighs*
Ups! sorry...
But if you haven't read a badass Edward before that does NOT treat Bella right, I think this might be a little to much for you.... Just take a little looksie...
The little self-presevation I've managed to hold onto throughout this arrangement is whispering to me. Telling me not to succumb. To tune out the way my body wants to respond to him. But it's of no use. He has, whether he likes it or not, come to know my body. He'll no doubt recognize the telltale signs of my orgasm approaching. For this reason, I know that my chances of feeling the pleasure are slim. But I don't let that matter. Because I'm somehow in that place. The place I've spent months fighting to stay away from. Where my common sense cannot be heard above my body's silent screaming.
Where I feel nothing outside of this.
Every thrust, every withdrawal.
The hot ,wet texture of his cock driving my body weight to strain on the joints of my arms.The way his hips jut at an upward angle every time he thrusts into me.
His words, although meant to lash and sting, have come to accomplish the opposite now.The place that he can take my body to. Where there simply is no room for my mind to follow.How did I get here? How badly my mind wants not to feel. To shut off...disconnect. But my body need to feel wins out...
It is enough for me to lose myself...only for a second...
*Mina fans herself and takes a deep breath*
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Blinkie made by the talented RoseArcadia |
"Fold Your Wings" is a Twilight Fanfiction by the naturally talented Jadalulu
The most shocking part? THIS IS HER FIRST FIC EVER!
I couldn't believe it at first, this author is so frikin' talented! I was suck right into the story and I just couldn't stop reading the few chapters that are up, and by the time I was caught up with the updates I wanted MORE!
This story is an undiscovered jewel. It is fantastically well written, pervy, angsty, rough, sexy, steamy, crazy and just...just so...UGH! So fucking HOT! It makes me want to go back and re read all the chapters all over again! It owns me.... I'm totes on board of the Roughward Team!
I never stood a chance to withhold. My pussy contracts viciously and I scream out, louder than I've ever dared to before. But it's of little choice.
He is taken by surprise, I can tell, because his rhythm stutters as my inner muscles grip him...the closest thing to an embrace we'll ever share.
I'm given no chance to ride out the ripples of pleasure. He growls out a loud roar and slams himself into me so hard that I do falter this time, and collapse. My breathing labored an hot. My entire body is face down and flush with the floor.
But his outburst isn't the vocalization of his orgasm. That'd be too easy.
"Oh no. I'm not done with you yet. What the fuck did I tell you before, huh?" He grabs both side of my hips and yanks my lower body up and back, forcing me to my knees. I am useless to resist, but too spent to assist in the position. My arms are extended and limp above my head, my forehead to the carpet. There is nothing left, not even have enough to brace myself for what I know will be a harsh proceeding.
And I'm proven right.
Just as rough as I expected, he is inside me again. His words aimed at reminding me of my worth.
"You. Don' t. Run. This. Shit." Speak, thrust, speak, thrust.
He is determined to regain the upper hand. His left hand grabs my left shoulder and tugs. "Get the fuck up."
I force myself to comply and flatten my palms to the floor. Shakily, I manage to lift my upper body once again. He plants his hands firmly onto my lower back.
"That's right, little cock slut. You do as you're told. You're here for me to fuck as
And I need a cold shower.... Told you this shit was serious and it definitely needs a Shamwow Alert! LOL I'm just gonna stop writing 'cause I just want to re read the 5 chapters that are up. And I bet you want to go read it too! ENJOY IT! And tell Jadalulu that Mina sent ya! ;D
'Till the next time! xoxo