Hey everyone!
As you might have noticed, there is no TPG chapter update yet. The reason is very simple.
Sometimes when I write, I see fractions of scenes playing in my head, but when I put them down together, they don't always make sense. That was the problem I was experiencing with Chapter 11. While the scenes were written in a comprehensible way, the sequence of them weren't. Of course, I didn't know that until my lovely beta LaMomo point that out to me, but I must admit I was unhappy with the chapter when I sent it to be validated. So, a re-write was in order!
While the chapter is ready in all intents and purposes, I'm not happy with it. and if I'm not happy with it, I don't think it'll be fair to you if I post it as is. Patience is gold, some say, and I promise yours will pay off. I'll update as soon as the chapter is ready, and in the meantime, here's an extra picteaser.
See? That scene total made sense in my head, but what came before that needed a little more tweaking. A shout out to Salanna and LaMomo for being the best, and having the patience of a saint. I know I must drive you bonkers with all my emails! LOL
Hope y'all a nice day! Till next time,