Mar 30, 2014

TPG Chapter 8 is Up!

Hey Everyone! The next chapter of The Perfect Girl has been posted!

You can read the story in any of the following sites:

Remember that Twilighted takes a bit longer to post due to validation of the chapter.

Remember to check next Monday for a chapter teaser, and on Saturday for a pictease. I'm not sure if the next chapter will be up on Sunday. But don't worry! I'll keep you guys posted, and if there is no update on Sunday, check in here for an additional teaser.

That's all for now from me. Let me know what you guys thought of the chapter!

Till next time,

Mar 24, 2014

TPG's Frequently Asked Questions

Hey everybody!

Because I just got a bunch of PMs wishing me a nice and stress free week (thank you, I needed those) I decided to put together a blog post with some FAQs about The Perfect Girl.

These are questions I often bump into on reviews, and because I feel bad about not updating yesterday, you will get a bit of an insight.

*cracks fingers* Here we go...

  1. How long until Bella and Edward see each other again?
    Bella will get to Roinne before she sees Edward again. But trust me, it won't be for Edward's lack of trying. Some stuff must happen and come to light first before these two see each other again.
  2. Are there going to be lemons?
    I don't write thinking about the lemons, but yes there will be, though I consider TPG a slow boil. Bella and Edward aren't virgins, so of course there is going to be some UST, but the big deed won't happen until... well, A VERY LONG TIME. You have been warned...
  3. Why the short chapters?
    Because I don't have the time to write longer ones. It's either short chapters every week or longer ones every month. I don't think anyone wants to wait a month for a 6k words chapter, right?
  4. Can you update more often?
    At this moment, no. But maybe when I'm done with the semester and have more time to write I'll be able to pull off a twice a week updating schedule, but don't count on it. I have a lot of responsibilities  that cannot be ignore.
  5. Why isn't Edward a King?
    Because I decided to play God by creating a country with its own laws and decided that only a married man can be King.
  6. Why is Renee such a witch?
    *cue evil laugh* That's for me to know and for you to dot, dot, dot. Lets just say there is a method to her madness. *winks*
  7. Why the hell hasn't Bella googled Edward yet?
    And that's what is going to happen next chapter. *smirks*
If you have any other question, feel free to leave a comment below or PM. I don't mind.

Thanks for reading and see you guys on Sunday!

Mar 23, 2014

TPG Chapter 8 Picteasers

Hey everyone!

As you have probably noticed, there isn't a new TPG chapter in your inboxes, and I'm sorry to say that I won't be able to update today.

I've been elbow deep in projects and work stuff, not to mention a couple of fandom stuff that I will let you guys know soon enough. To make matters worse, my back wasn't cooperating on Thursday and Friday, and I was bed bound for those two days. I've just been all over the place and couldn't find a moment to sit down and write.

I'm so sorry.

In exchange, chapter 8 will be a bit longer, around 6k words in fact. I know because it's almost done and I'll be able to send to my pre-reader tomorrow, then it will be off to my beta. So, the chapter should be up next Sunday *crosses fingers and knocks on wood*

And because I already feel terrible, I decided to make not one, but TWO picteasers, since I was also a fail at sending the teasers to Fictease and FicCentral this week.

Did I say I was sorry already?

So, here they are. If you got any questions, feel free to leave me a comment below. 

See you guys next Sunday!

Mar 17, 2014

TPG Chapter 8 Teaser

Hey everyone!

I couldn't make the deadline to submit the teaser over at My brother had a nasty stomach infection and we ended up taking him to the ER. I spent most of the afternoon with him and by the time we got home, it was pretty late.

In any case, here is the small teaser I wanted to submit. Thanks to Wednesday in LA from Emergency Beta Service for her help with the commas and verbs.

Bella picked up a hairbrush from her dresser and started brushing her hair, thinking about Edward. She hadn't heard from him since that day at the park. She had hoped he might at least contact Carmen at the art shop, but no one had called so far. A couple of days ago, Carmen had asked Bella if she would open the shop in the afternoons because she was going to an art exhibit in New York. She wouldn't be back for at least a week, taking the opportunity to also visit old friends she hadn't seen in months. 
Renee thought that adding the job at the store, plus the extra chores she had to pick up at the B&B, would be the perfect punishment. Bella was still suffering the consequences of her actions, but she didn't mind the extra job. Carmen was paying her as a part-time employee and, thanks to that, Bella had been able to save more money for when she finally left. 
There was no doubt in Bella’s mind anymore. She couldn't keep living under the same roof as Renee, and as much as it pained her to leave her brother behind, she had to look out for herself at least this one time. Her mind was made up, and she was going to pursue her dream and live her own life, no matter what.

 Let me know what you think and, as always, the chapter should be up on Sunday.

Take care and have a great week! *mwah*

Mar 16, 2014

TPG Chapter 7 is Up!

Hey Everyone! The next chapter of The Perfect Girl has been posted!

You can read the story in any of the following sites:

Remember that Twilighted takes a bit longer to post due to validation of the chapter.

Next update will be up next Sunday. Remember to check on Monday for a chapter teaser, and on Saturday for a pictease.

That's all for now from me. Let me know what you guys thought of the chapter!

Till next time,

Mar 15, 2014

What Happened This Week

  1. I got mugged on Monday. I had just got out of the bus and set foot on the sidewalk, when a little boy (I think he was 10 years old) tried to grab my bag, but because I had the strapped wrapped around my forearm, we both tumbled down. A police officer saw the whole thing, but I didn't press charges.
  2. Finals week was brutal. Three of my finals were re-scheduled, and because it seems like I did something in my past life to piss off the gods of university students, they were set on the same day, on Friday. FML. I spent Tue/Wed/Thu cramming like a maniac, barely sleeping and pretty much wishing someone had invented the coffee IV. I think I lived off coffee and red bulls only through those days. Thank God that's all over now.
  3. The Earth decided to rock me to sleep after I came home yesterday. I was about to crash from exhaustion when suddenly everything shook and I was hugging my dog on my bed, cursing everything and pretty much declaring yesterday as the most horrible Friday that I've ever lived through in my life. The earthquake was a 5 in the Richter scale and everyone was fine, but I couldn't fall back to sleep. I blame the adrenaline.
  4. I'm an idiot. I sent the next TPG chapter to my beta on Friday, when I could have sent it earlier. Salanna was quick and awesome as always, but because my schedule was pretty much shit (cramming and almost no sleep does that) I forgot to send the chapter to Momo, who's got job plus a new hubby to take care. Honestly, I blame my overused brain and I told Momo to take her time, it was my fault.
I conclusion, after a week of hell, there might be a slight delay on the update. Luckily, I'm almost done with chapter 8, and there will be a picteaser today over at So, hopefully you guys won't be mad if the chapter is one or two days late.

Hope you guys have a great weekend and I'll see y'all soon.

Mar 11, 2014

TPG Chapter 7 Fic Bites Teaser


Just wanted to let you all know that a teaser for 
The Perfect Girl - Chapter 7
has been posted over at FicCentral.

click image to read the teaser
There will be a picteaser over at Fictease this Saturday too!
So don't forget to check out that site.
That's all for now, see ya guys with an update on Sunday!

Mar 9, 2014

TPG Chapter 6 is Up!

Hey Everyone! The next chapter of The Perfect Girl has been posted!

You can read the story in any of the following sites:

Remember that Twilighted takes a bit longer to post due to validation of the chapter.

Next update will be up next Sunday. Remember to check on Saturday for a pictease, and there will be a chapter teaser at on Monday.

That's all for now from me. Let me know what you guys thought of the chapter!

Till next time,

Mar 2, 2014

TPG Chapter 6 PicTeaser!

Hey everyone, here's the picteaser that was supposed to be on I don't know what happened with the site, but I hope that they'll be able to fix it soon. In any case, here's the picteaser and a chapter teaser should be up tomorrow evening (Central time, U.S.) on

Hope everyone has a wonderful week and see you all with an update next Sunday!
