(You opened a pandora's box Jen!)
Well, the thing is, I have a full time job and also college classes. Because of money issues I couldn't go straight to college after graduation and therefor I'm a 25 year old college junior. I have a ton of workload and schoolwork to do, and because of it, I can't really say how often I can update TPG.
BUT, taking in consideration for all those readers who DO review I'll keep the 'review for teasers' deal as well as the pic teasers on the blog. I WILL publish Chapters Teasers on the blog as well, but hey won't be the same as the ones I send to those who review. That's they're reward for taking their time in telling what they thought of the chapters and for their constructive criticisms.
That's all for now. Just thought I should let you know!
Till the next time!
Love, peace and Twilight!